Monday, June 8, 2009

Looking Sharp

So The BLM inspector came out today to check Acacia over, make sure everything was on the up and up. She was really quite impressed and said Acacia looked really nice. She has done the EMM 3 times so she was great to talk with. She asked me one question that made me chuckle a little bit, she said "So have you taught her to bow or do any neat tricks?" To which I replied, "Um, no, she is a RIDING HORSE, not a trick pony." I know those kinds of tricks are really liked by the spectators and judges, but c'mon now. LMAO! She also said that people like it if you can stand on the back of your horse. *HEADDESK* Lord help me! LMFAO!!! All in all though it was a super great visit and she was a terrific lady with a lot of great advice.


  1. If you were busy using your limited time to teach saddle standing and the packing yard furniture trick we would have tipped off fugly. Go Acacia, show em a real horse.

  2. Ugh, I wish that 'stand on the horse's back' fad would just go away.

  3. Ha, glad to hear you stuck with the things that count! Hopefully the judges are not morons and you don't lose points for not bowing. Good luck!

  4. Although I believe it would appropriate, heartfelt and a crowd pleaser to carry the American Flag. That is a valid "trick" and shows many many things without you having to stand on her. You would get noticed if you did.
